Monday, March 10, 2025

Coronado Unit of Rady Chlldren’s Hospital Auxiliary will meet Jan. 28

The Coronado Unit of Rady Children’s Hospital Auxiliary, chartered last February, will meet at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 28. Women – and men – interested in learning more about the Unit are encouraged to attend the meeting, which will be held at a private residence. Please call the Unit’s Chairman, Rev. Dr. Marilyn Menges at (619) 791-6344 for the address and additional information. There is no cost to attend an initial meeting and annual membership dues, should one be interested in joining, are just $50.

Social time begins at 6 p.m.; the business portion of the meeting begins promptly at 6:30 p.m. with the meeting not extending beyond 7:30 p.m.

“It’s an excellent time to join our group and we are eager to welcome new faces,” said Menges. Parents, grandparents, neighbors and friends can all support the great works of Rady Children’s Hospital – San Diego.”

All members receive invitations to some of the most popular events in the county where they can socialize and network. They have the opportunity to attend free leadership development workshops and receive the auxiliary’s newsletter and online communications.

Over the first year, the Unit has hosted a number of “In-Unit” fundraisers to provide seed money for eventual “Out-Unit” fundraisers. In-Unit fundraisers have included but not been limited to wine tastings and wine auctions, a jewelry and clothing in-home boutique sale, and a “No-Bake Bake Sale.” In December, members gathered for a Unit holiday party and have supported Rady Children’s Hospital with donations of clothing and books and sponsorship of a child at the hospital’s Helen Bernardy Center for Medically Fragile Children.

At each Unit meeting, two members share educational updates on childhood diseases and treatments and other innovative medical procedures conducted at Rady Children’s Hospital.

“Best of all, our members have the chance to form friendships with like-minded people and receive the benefit of fulfillment and satisfaction in knowing they are helping the children of our community,” said Menges.


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